Freak Hailstorm Coats Mexican City in 5 Feet of Ice

On Sunday, the city of Guadalajara in southwestern Mexico experienced a freak hailstorm. The storm dumped up to five feet of ice in some areas of the city. Cars were swept away, some homes were reportedly damaged but luckily there are no reports of any injuries or deaths as a result of the storm.

Leading up to the storm, Guadalajara was experiencing temperatures in the upper 80s (31 degrees Celsius). While hailstorms aren’t uncommon in this region of Mexico, the sheer amount of hail that fell on the city is unprecedented. Many cars were half submerged in ice after the storm went through, and at least 50 cars were swept away by ice in hilly areas of the city. Mexican service members were deployed to help clear roads and free cars from ice, using shovels and snow plows.

Once the ice settled, many of Guadalajara’s residents took advantage of the unusual situation to play on the ice. One little girl even made a “snow” angel. However, the fun didn’t last long, as the ice melting caused flash flooding in the streets.