Could Your Heart Burn Mean Something Bigger is Wrong?

We all get heartburn now and again. Treating heart burn is as routine as taking an aspirin for a headache or getting your oil changed when the light comes on. It’s a part of daily life for many!

But could your heartburn be a sign of greater issues within yourself? Heartburn is often innocent… but it could be an indicator that there is something seriously wrong going on!

Heart Disease is No Joke

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, hands down. More people die of heart disease than any other illness, including various forms of cancer.

Treating heart burn regularly could just be that you ate something questionable, or you have a fondness for spicy food your digestive tract doesn’t appreciate… but it could also be an early sign of heart issues.

If you have a history of heart disease in your family, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, and you’re regularly treating heart burn with little relief, consider that it might not just be heartburn.

Many people who suffered a heart attack reported that in the days or weeks leading up to their attack, they suffered from chest pain that they completely wrote off. If you’re treating heart burn and still experiencing pain, or you can’t attribute it to what you’ve eaten, it’s time to see a doctor.


Could you have a bun in the oven and not know? If you’re treating heart burn and not getting results, maybe you’ve got a little one cooking up.

Pregnancy shifts all sorts of things around in your body, and that can lead to a lot of heartburn, both in the later months and even early on. So if your cycle has been late, unpredictable, or you’re sexually active, a test could be in order!

Hiatal Hernia

If you’ve never heard of a hiatal hernia, that’s okay – most people haven’t. It’s specifically when the upper part of your stomach pushes through an opening in the diaphragm, entering the chest cavity.

If you’re treating heart burn and not getting results, and having other symptoms like a constant bitter or sour taste in the back of your mouth, discomfort in your stomach, and a lot of bloating or belching, consider checking with your doctor.

A hiatal hernia could happen to anyone, of any age, so it’s a better safe than sorry situation!