Oh, the humidity! Hot, damp weather conditions can play havoc on your hair, especially if you have a naturally curly texture. And during the winter, folks with fine, straight hair may find themselves battling static flyaways.

Here’s how to tame your hair during extreme weather!

Cold Weather Hair Tips

  • Wash less frequently; your scalp’s natural oils will help protect your hair.
  • Use a leave-in conditioner or a deep treatment mask if your hair feels dull or dried out.
  • Never go outside with wet hair. It can cause the hair shaft to expand, making your mane prone to breakage.
  • Wrap your hair in a silk scarf before putting on a hat to prevent static and breakage. Scarves are also great for protecting hair on windy days.

Hot Weather Hair Tips

  • Get a shorter cut or wear your hair up; regular summer trims can help battle split ends.
  • Skip hot styling tools, air-dry your hair if possible.
  • Protect your hair from chlorine or salt water when you swim. Always wash your hair after swimming.
  • Shield your hair from UV rays with a scarf or broad-brimmed hat.
  • If it’s humid, opt for braids or buns and tame flyaways with a little smoothing balm.
  • For men, shaving kits are a must–get rid of that winter beard!