Whether you’ve added a few pounds due to the COVID-19 lockdown, or whether you needed to shed a few even before it began, the emergence of summer has made people want to get out and exercise to get that summer body, or just get back into shape.

Unfortunately, being sedentary means that your body can’t just jump back into an exercise that puts a strain on the heart and lungs. Always start slowly, listen to your body, and take plenty of breathing breaks.

High temperatures are also a factor in exercise safety. Heatstroke is a real possibility. The most important thing is to stay adequately hydrated. If you feel yourself becoming overheated, light-headed, or shaky, seek shade immediately. Take plenty of time to cool down.

Be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen on any part of your body that is exposed. Remember, you can even burn through white clothing, although dark clothing will make you hotter.