These tips will help you keep animals safe during cold weather. Whether it is your own pet or someone else’s, following these safety tips may save their lives. If you see an animal in danger – call for help and do your part in keeping our animals out of danger.
Elderly, very young or dogs with short-coated, thin hair are much more susceptible to the cold than others. Not only are humans at risk for hypothermia and frostbite – so are animals. If it’s too cold for you outside then it’s too cold for your dog or cat. Do not leave them outside for long periods of time in extremely cold weather and consider outfitting them with warm weather clothing when you take them out.
Animals – especially cats, love to crawl up under car hoods or sleep in the wheel wells during cold weather to keep warm. Check your hood before starting your engine or give your horn a honk to wake them up and give them an opportunity to move to safety.
It’s not only hot cars that kill dogs – cold weather can also harm or even kill them. Choose to leave your dogs at home during cold weather instead of leaving them in a cold car.
Did you know that cats, dogs, and other animals are actually attracted to antifreeze? Antifreeze is very sweet to taste; therefore, animals want to lick it. Avoid spills and ensure your vehicle is not leaking this very poisonous substance.
Ideally, all pets should live primarily inside; however, if your pet lives outside, bring them in during extreme heat or cold. Also, be sure you are providing them with shelter and warmth during times that they are not inside. The shelter should be protected from wind entering and should be off the ground at least a few inches. Use cedar shavings or straw to provide warmth at the bottom of the shelter.
Use plastic food and water containers. Not only can human tongues get stuck to metal – so can your pet’s tongues! Animals that spend a lot of time outdoors need more food and water to replace lost energy. Make sure they are fed regularly and can easily access their food water.