Seasonal Allergies Don’t Have to Be a Huge Headache


Everyone knows the trouble seasonal allergies can bring. The weather warms up, plants release huge clouds of pollen, and your allergies decide it’s time to make you feel like you’re fighting off the flu. Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way! Today, we’re talking about your health: how can you keep your allergies from making the nicer part of the year miserable for you?

Air Quality

Before you decide to enjoy a walk through the park or an outdoor gathering, check the air quality report. What’s the pollen count for the day? If it’s looking high, consider skipping outdoor activities for the day. Instead, you could opt to do something fun indoors, keeping your allergies from flaring up. You could also use a face covering to keep yourself from breathing in as much pollen or allergens. Something as simple as a cloth face mask or a scarf can work for this, allowing you to sidestep the worst of your allergies without spending your whole day inside.

Keep It Clean

After you’re outside during allergy season, you’ll want to get your clothes clean. Throw clothes that have been exposed to pollen into the wash as soon as you get inside, and change into clean clothes that haven’t been outside recently. That way, you minimize your exposure to allergens and you have the least chances to breathe in pollen. While you’re at it, consider changing your sheets more often this time of year, too. Even if you’re changing clothes right away, you still could be carrying some pollen on your body when you lay down. As such, you should change your sheets out more regularly in allergy season than you normally would.

Close Entryways

Don’t leave your windows or entryway doors open in allergy season. Even when the nice weather comes in and you’re ready for winter to be over, that doesn’t mean you should be leaving your house exposed to the outside. Wait until the pollen subsides before you open a window and let the fresh air in! Otherwise, you could have pollen spilling all over your furniture, carpet and clothing.


Don’t forget about over-the-counter medication. Common medicines can help take the sting out of the worst of your allergy symptoms. Antihistamines, in particular, can hit your allergies before they get started. Make sure you only use medications as directed, and still take steps to avoid direct contact with your allergens even if you’re using medicine to reduce your symptoms.