Weather happens fast, so staying informed is an important part of planning your day. is here to make sure that you receive the latest weather alerts for your area as soon as they are issued.
No need to hunt around your local news websites or fiddle with apps on your phones — we’ll send the latest weather information to you!
Here at LocalWeatherTracker, we’re committed to providing accurate and precise stories and headlines. Our writers understand that they must confirm the validity of everything they write. This is especially true for names, addresses, factual statements, and/or direct quotes. Writers are responsible for fact-checking their stories using their judgment and integrity. We always endeavor to generate nothing but honest, truthful reporting that results in quality content for our growing audiences.
LocalWeatherTracker runs each story through a strict ethics policy checklist to make sure that we maintain the very highest editorial integrity and standards. We are proud that our team maintains 100% editorial independence and operates to a standard that is unparalleled in the industry. At our core, we value the trust of our audience. It will always be of the utmost importance to maintain this level of trust with our readers as we continue to deliver nothing but the highest-quality content each and every day.
It is our policy to not make mistakes. But, as nobody is perfect, we recognize that oversights may occasionally happen. If anyone spots something on our site that doesn’t seem correct, they can scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Contact Us” button. We will respond as quickly as possible to address the concern and correct any errors immediately.
LocalWeatherTracker was established in 2018 and is owned and operated by Off the Daily Grid, LLC. LocalWeatherTracker aims to deliver the most relevant, breaking weather updates, weather news, and offers severe weather alerts, where available. LocalWeatherTracker is a subscription-based service which is primarily supported by third party advertisers that pay us to promote their products and services. LocalWeatherTracker thanks you for your patronage and support. We strive to only deliver ads that are relevant to your interests by using anonymous identifiers and other data you provide through use of this service. For more information on how we use your data and protect your privacy, see our Privacy Policy.
For information on our editorial team, visit our author bio page.