So, there’s a hail storm and your car was damaged… what happened after?

Where you covered by your car insurance or did you have to pay out of pocket for repairs?

Types of Coverages

Whenever you get your first car, chances are, you opted out of paying for anything extra you thought you didn’t need.

This primarily happens with your car insurance. There are multiple different coverages for car insurance, but which one works best in weather situations?

Comprehensive coverage is offered in some states through car insurance. This type of coverage covers storm-related damages to your car. This coverage also would replace or repair a vehicle if it is stolen or damaged outside of an accident.

This form of car insurance coverage is common but can become overlooked because it is optional. Learning about your options before getting car insurance would be beneficial in the event of any weather incidents, and getting a policy not just based on what you need right now but what you will need in the future can help prevent disaster.