The coming of spring in the Northern Hemisphere in March and April is often met with joy by people who suffer from seasonal depression. After all, the cloudy, grey skies of winter are in the past, and the warmth and vibrant life of spring are ahead! However, this year, spring has a gloomy shadow lingering overhead.
The COVID-19 pandemic has, unfortunately, issued an extension for many people’s seasonal depression symptoms. People eager to get out to local parks, swimming pools and other fun social gatherings instead will be confined to their homes for months. While necessary to protect lives, this is going to have a profound affect on the mental health of millions of people.
If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of the 7 signs of depression, it’s important to take action. Staying positive during a time as strange as this is certainly no easy feat. For people with clinical depression diagnoses, this could mean seeking further professional help with their symptoms.
This help could come in the form of therapy, medication, or some combination of treatments. For people without official diagnoses, or without the means to seek professional help, this will be a challenging few months. Taking steps now to stay positive is of the utmost importance.
If you’re stuck at home while practicing safe social distancing, try to keep up a structure. Wake up at a good time and make yourself breakfast. If it’s safe to do so, consider taking a walk or at least getting some outdoor exercise. Make yourself lunch at a set time, and try to focus on productive things you can do while at home.
Maybe there are some home projects you can focus on, like cleaning or repairs. Maybe you could practice a new skill, like learning an instrument or a new language. Just make sure that whatever you choose to focus on is something that you dedicate some pre-set time to. This will help you feel structured and grounded during an unsure time.
Another good piece of advice for those who feel their seasonal depression is lingering this year is to spend as much time as they can outdoors. Since the weather is warming up, spend time in your yard or on your front porch. The presence of sunlight, warm air and natural scenery can do wonders for those who suffer from seasonal depression.