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Forecasters predict most of the nation will see above-average temperatures in April, with the central US experiencing significantly above-average temperatures. However, the extreme west coast will seat near-average temps.
Temperatures in the United States in April will likely be above average for most of the nation, and well above average in the central US, according to predictions by forecasters from The Weather Company, an IBM Business.
The meteorologists say that, with the exception of Florida, the southern US, southeast, mid-Atlantic, and Northeast will all see above-average temperatures. Florida will be near to slightly above average. However, one caveat is that depending on the upper-level pattern, the Northeast could turn a bit cooler. Conversely, the West Coast will be close to average or slightly below average in April.
A large swath of the center of the country will experience significantly above and extremely above-average temperatures in April. It’s going to be a hot one in April, so prepare to sweat by searching for the best deodorant for sweating.
The predictions show a circular pattern in the nation’s midsection with the upper Midwest and Midwest experiencing most above-average temps.
The affected states include North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wisconsin, northern Michigan, northwestern Illinois, central and northern Missouri, northern and western Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle, northeastern New Mexico, central and eastern Montana, and Wyoming.
The April forecast also foresees significantly above-average temperatures for west-central Montana, eastern Idaho, extreme western Wyoming, northeastern and eastern Utah, the northeast corner of Arizona, northwestern, central and southeastern New Mexico, central Texas, most of Arkansas, southeastern Missouri, northeastern, central and southern Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, western Ohio, western Kentucky, and extreme western Tennessee.
With the exception of Florida, the eastern half of the US will see above-average temperatures for April. Southern and eastern Texas are also included in the mix, as well as parts of the West including western Montana, Idaho, northeastern Nevada, western Utah, eastern Arizona, and the southeast corner of New Mexico. Florida will be near to or slightly above average.
Eastern and southeastern states experiencing above-average temperatures in April include Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, eastern Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.
Most of Florida, most of Washington, central and eastern Oregon, the western edge of Idaho, Nevada, western and southwestern Arizona will all see near or slightly above average temperatures in April.
The areas experiencing near average temperatures will be California and the eastern edges of Oregon and Washington. The West Coast could even be slightly below average depending on how weather patterns shape up.