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Meteorologists from the Weather Channel say they already have a strong forecast for what summer 2021 is going to be like, and in a word, it’s a scorcher! Three-quarters of the nation will see above-average temperatures.
In case you didn’t know, 2020 tied the record for the hottest year ever recorded in the history of the planet, the other was 2016. Further, 2020 also was part of the warmest 10-year block on record. Even more, the last six years have been the warmest since weather record-keeping began.
Now, meteorologists from the Weather Channel have offered us an early preview of what summer 2021, June to August, is going to look like. If this forecast is correct, then all indications show we are in for a scorcher in the United States this summer.
According to the forecast, roughly three-quarters of the US will see above-average temperatures. Somewhere between approximately one-quarter to one-third of the nation will see above-average temperatures. The remainder of the nation will see normal temperatures. The forecast does not predict any part of the nation experiencing below-normal temperatures.
Not only in the US, but many places around the globe are getting hotter and drier. Plan ahead and stock up on supplies now to protect your skin this summer by using a dry skin moisturizer – even before summer begins. Your skin will thank and love you for it.
Generally speaking, everything east of the Mississippi River will see average temperatures in summer 2021. All areas west of the Mississippi will see above-average temperatures, with the exception of Southern California, central and southern Arizona, and the southwestern corner of New Mexico, which will all experience average temps.
However, a large swath of the Northwest, upper Midwest, and Midwest are predicted to experience significantly above-average temperatures this summer.
Elevated temperatures over summer 2021 are expected for eastern Washington; eastern Oregon; Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, northern Utah; northern and eastern Colorado; central and western Kansas; western Oklahoma, and northern Texas.
In June, everything west of Pennsylvania, the Carolinas, and Georgia will see above-average temperatures. Significantly above-average temperatures through central and northern Texas, into the Midwest, upper Midwest, from New Mexico and all states north into Idaho and Montana, as well as West into Utah, northeastern Nevada, and Arizona.
In July, extreme above-average temperatures are forecast for parts of the Northwest and the northern Rockies for eastern Oregon and Washington, Idaho, Montana, central and northern Wyoming, and the Eastern Dakotas.
Significantly above-average temperatures are forecast for northern Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and from northern Kansas extending into the Dakotas, and eastern Iowa and Minnesota.